Thinking to maintain your health?
Check out some blogs that can help you to learn something new!
The inflammation of the joints is generally referred to as Arthritis. Arthritis can affect single or multiple joints at a time. It has about 100 different types depending on different causes and treatment methods. However, two types of Arthritis that a...
General Hepatitis is a liver inflammation commonly caused due to the exposure of toxin, immune disease, alcohol misuse, or infection. Hepatitis A is the type of Hepatitis virus that is caused due to HAV. This type of virus stays for a very short ...
Photo credit: "Amoxycillin rash in infectious mononucleosis" by RainbowKatie is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 .
A disease that is listed in the top 10 common illnesses in the world, 2Mononucleosis, is a very serious infectious disease. Mononucleosis is also known as mono. It refers to a group of symptoms usually caused by a life-threatening virus, Epstein-Bar Vi...
Colorectal Cancer also known as bowel cancer, colon cancer, or rectal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the colon and rectum. According to The American Cancer Society in the United States, one out of 21 men have Colorectal Cancer. Indeed, i...
The decline in cognitive function refers to Dementia. Dementia is one of the most common reasons for mental disorders in Ireland. In order to consider dementia, a mental impairment must affect at least two functions of the brain. These impairments rang...
Overview Before planning a trip to Kazakhstan, you must be aware of its health structure. There are some common bacterial and cardiovascular diseases in Kazakhstan like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Tuberculosis, etc. And Meningitis ...
Photo credit: "<div class='fn'> Parasites: a parasitical worm, shown much enlarged, with its</div>" is licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
Bilharzia, also known as Snail Fever and Schistosomiasis is a viral infectious disease caused by a parasitic worm. This parasitic worm, or fluke, has several different species that directly affects the intestine and urinary system preferentially. Furth...
Chronic kidney diseases gradually decrease its function. It usually gets worse where symptoms may not appear until your kidney is totally damaged. It is the stage where a kidney transplant is the sole solution of life-saving...
Photo credit: "Depiction of a woman suffering from Emphysema, a type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 .
The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, abbreviated as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases. Numerous diseases get in action but emphysema and chronic bronchitis are most common. Most of the victims experience both of these conditions. It i...
Introduction To Syphilis Syphilis is a serious infectious and bacterial disease caused by a type of bacteria called Treponema Pallidum. It is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) commonly found in countries like Azerbaijan, Germany, and Belgiu...
Disease OverviewDiabetes mellitus or more commonly known as diabetes is a lifelong and complicated disease associated with the metabolic activity of the body. In such condition, blood glucose, or sugar, is higher than the normal l...
Asthma is a type of chronic respiratory disease of the airways of the lungs. The victims of this disease face difficulty in breathing and sometimes make them physically inactive. According to the latest research of WHO, out ...
Overview Brucellosis is one of the most highly contagious zoonosis and common diseases in Oman that is generally developed in human due to a group of bacteria named as genus Brucella. It is also known as Malta fever, Mediterranean fever or undu...
Autism refers to the range of disorders and thus, is now recognized as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In Belgium, more than 60 out of 10,000 children aged between 3 to 39 months were suspected of autism. This makes autism as one of the significa...
Photo credit: "Diseased skin on the face, neck and chest of a young woman suffering from lupus. Chromolithograph by E. Burgess (?), 1850/1880?" is licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
Slovenia is a very greenery country with natural beauty all over. But still, it suffers from many viral, infectious, and some cardiovascular diseases. In this blog, we will discuss not so common, but very devastating disease, Lupus. L...
One of the best places in the world to live a healthy and wealthy life is life in the Cayman Islands. It's very difficult to find out infectious diseases in Cayman. Yet there is still some present that may infect you when you are unaware of it. ...
Healthcare in Lithuania is of a formidable standard with numbers of doctors per 1000 people larger than in most western societies. Tick-Borne Encephalitis is the most common vector-borne disease in Lithuania that has resulted in many death and se...
Reduced blood supply to the heart results in a disease called Ischemic Heart Disease. In this disease, a blockage in coronary arteries appears that reduces the blood supply to the heart muscle and results in a heart attack. Mostly, this disease is ...
Greece is a very developed country. Yet it still suffers from many infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Here we will discuss Catarrh. Which is not so common but serious disease. The inflammation of mucous membranes in your airways and typica...
Edema is an accumulation of fluid in the intracellular tissue characterized by the acute, subacute and chronic. Or more it is like a swelling that occurs due to the fluid trapped in the tissues of the body, skin, hand, feet, legs, and ankles. There are...
Measles is a serious and viral infectious disease that directly affects the respiratory system. Over the decades, Measles has been a significant reason for childhood deaths worldwide. Measles is also often said to as Rubeola. In...
Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells or bone marrow resulting in an increase in a number of abnormal leukocytes. Bone marrow is the site of the body where many different types of blood cells are produced. But the problem may occur if there is ...
Tuberculosis is a highly contagious infectious disease that essentially attacks the lungs, spreading further in the brain, spine or another part of the body. Tuberculosis abbreviated as (TB) was once called as consumption. This disease is cau...
Zika virus is the type of diseases that are caused and spread due to mosquito bites. For some healthy people, it's just a mild infection and not much harmful. However, Zika Virus can be a very serious virus threat to pregnant women. I...
In this advanced world, the more you use the brain, the more you keep pace with the world. However, there are several brain diseases. And the treatment of Brain Diseases is very hard to find. Unfortunately, Epilepsy is one of them. Epilepsy is a chroni...
Abnormal growth of cells in the body i.e. tumor is referred to as Neoplasm. It is a small gradual growth of pre-cancerous tumors in the human body either benign or malignant. These are the two types of tumors where the benign tumor has noncancerous gro...
Varicella-Zoster Virus has resulted in many diseases all over the world, especially in Bulgaria. From these diseases, Shingles is one such disease that has affected Bulgaria’s health structure very much. Shingle is an infectious disease caused ...
If you are planning a trip to Sri Lanka, you must first be aware of the health and environment in the country. Sri Lanka is spread with many diseases like Diabetes, Dengue, Hepatitis A and many more. Hepatitis B is also one of the common diseases...
Photo credit: "Systemic sclerosis, changes on hands are allways bilateral" by Maria Sieglinda von Nudeldorf is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 .
Georgia is a very developed and hygienic country where you hardly find any infectious disease. Yet, there are some cardiovascular diseases with which, the country residents suffer. Here we will discuss the disease which differs from all oth...
Before you plan a tour or visit a country, you must first be aware of its health structure. If the structure suits your needs, you should surely travel to this country. But, if the health system doesn’t suit your health, you must seek your healthcare...
Lumbar disc degeneration refers to the age-related wear and tear of the spinal disc that may or may not cause lower back pain. It includes the spondylotic and degeneration of the lumbar spine having neuronal compression. In this disease, the interverte...
Ebola is referred to as the type of serious and deadly virus that is generally transmitted by the animals and humans refers to Ebola. Ebola was first detected in 1976 in Sudan. Since the virus was found at the Ebola River, hence it was named as E...
Quite mysterious from the name, but serious in a result, Atopic Eczema, or Eczema, is one of the most common diseases in children. Itching of the skin and its turning into red from time to time refer to Atopic Eczema. Eczema is very common in children....
Cosmetic surgery is an exclusive system of improving the person’s appearance either through surgical or medical techniques. It is the best option for those who want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their face, neck or other body parts. In recent ...
Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease generally caused due to parasitic worms that live in certain varieties of freshwater snails. These parasites are also known as cercariae. The disease is highly fatal and directly affects the internal organ...
Thalassemia disease is a disease in which the body makes an abnormal type of hemoglobin (A protein molecule in red blood cells that carry oxygen) due to an inherited blood disorder. This disorder often results in the demolition of the red blood cel...
The congenital brain defect refers to the abnormality in the brain generally present at the birth. These defects are of several types and each one of them has different effects. They can vary greatly from mild to severe conditions. In the f...
Photo credit: "File:Ultrasonography of kidney with nephrotic syndrome.jpg" by Kristoffer Lindskov Hansen, Michael Bachmann Nielsen and Caroline Ewertsen is licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
Definition It is basically a group of systems that together give a clear picture of non-functional kidney. In this kidney disorder, there is too much protein excretion in the urine. This condition for a long time eventually leads to a low level ...
Photo credit: by Dorothy Livelo from sketchify via, by Camille Ramos from sparklestroke via, by Canva via
Introduction AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in a more broader view, also known as advanced HIV infection is a type of spectrum disease caused by an infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. Due to this spectrum...
In order to enjoy an adventurous and astonishing trip to a specified country, you must be perfectly healthy and fit. Before you plan a trip to somewhere in the world, you must search for its medical history and seek your healthcare advisor. As you know...
Rabies is an infectious disease and is caused by a virus that directly affects the central nervous system. Particularly, it creates inflammation in the brain. This virus is transferred by animals like dogs, cats, and rabbits etc. eith...
Heart is an amazing organ that pumps the blood throughout the body via circulating system. It sends the oxygenated blood to whole body and transfers deoxygenated blood to lungs for purification. But what when all of sudden your hu...
Overview Plague, often said as the black plague is a viral infectious disease. Plague is a bacterial disease that is highly contagious and can spread from one person to another. The disease is generally caused due to bacteria named as Yers...
Yellow Fever is a flu-like death-defying disease that is spread by mosquitoes. The disease is seriously dangerous and can often prove to be fatal. It is characterized by high fever and jaundice. As in Jaundice, the skin and eyes of the victim become ye...
A disease that is mostly found in African areas and also in Central America, Enteric Campylobacteriosis is a bacterial and highly contagious disease. It is an infection of the small intestine that is generally caused by a class concerning bacteria. Thi...
Photo credit: "Osteoplastic bone metastasis prostate cancer 01" by Wan-Hsiu Liao, Sheng-Hsiang Lin and Tsu-Tuan Wu is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .
One place where the government of the Czech Republic is looking upon is the health department. It is because the country has been suffering from many infectious and cardiovascular diseases that also prove fatal at times. Prostate Canc...
The world has been suffering from some serious diseases the day it evolved. And unfortunately, still, people living here suffer from some diseases. There’s a disease, not so common, but very painful, named as Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Do...
First noticed in 1975 in an old Lyme town, this lyme disease is one of the most irritating bacterial and infectious disease often found in numerous countries of the world. It is one of the most common disease in Slovenia that is generally caused by a...
When all the other medical and surgical treatments are failed, in order to save the patient from heart failure or artery disease, a method, a heart transplant is used. The heart transplant is also known as a cardiac transplant. In this process, the patie...
Photo credit: "File:Scrub typhus eschar.jpg" by Paula Santibáñez, Ana M. Palomar, Aránzazu Portillo, Sonia Santibáñez and José A. Oteo is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 .
Scrub typhus is a bacterial disease caused by a bacteria called Orientia tsutsugamushi. Scrub typhus is also known as bush typhus and is spread due to the biting of infected chiggers (larval mites). It is one of the most common diseases in Taiwan. The ...
Photo credit: "A woman suffering from Hemophilia" by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 .
In this mysterious world, many people hurt themselves to reduce their anger or sadness. Most of the people choose to cut their veins. In such cases, Clotting is used. Clotting is what prevents excessive bleeding when you cut yourself. Remember, the blo...
Photo credit: by sparklestroke via, by Sketchify Education from Canva Creative Studio via
Stomach cancer is one of the most death-defying diseases in Portugal that has caused thousands of deaths in the past few years. It is defined by the growth of cancerous cells within the lining of the stomach. Stomach Cancer (also said as Gastric ...
A disease that affects about 80% of women than as compared to men, Fibroids, is a very serious ailment. Abnormal growth of a tumor or fibrous tissue that develops in a women’s tissue is referred to as Fibroids. Rarely, these tumors become so large. T...
Lung cancer is the sixth top killer in Malaysia. It reported 6,797 deaths in 2010, making it the highest among all other types of cancer-related deaths caused by Colon-Rectum, stomach and breast cancer. Lung cancer, less commonly related to l...