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Photo credit: "Systemic sclerosis, changes on hands are allways bilateral" by Maria Sieglinda von Nudeldorf is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 .
Georgia is a very developed and hygienic country where you hardly find any infectious disease. Yet, there are some cardiovascular diseases with which, the country residents suffer. Here we will discuss the disease which differs from all other diseases. And with no wonder, it is Scleroderma, often called as Systemic Sclerosis.
It is an autoimmune disorder. In this condition, the immune system of the patient attacks its own body. Due to this attack, healthy tissues are badly affected and destroyed. It is because the immune system mistakenly perceives it as a foreign substance or infection.
Scleroderma is considered a rheumatic disease which may sometimes prove fatal. Keeping it aside, there are some other kinds of autoimmune disorders that can affect different body systems.
Systemic Sclerosis is characterized by changes in the texture and appearance of the skin. This happens due to increased collagen production. Collagen is a component of connective tissue. This disorder can affect the following parts of your body:
The disease generally affects the adults of age between 30 to 50. However, it can be diagnosed at any age. It is mostly found in women than as compared to men. However, the symptoms and severity of the condition may differ from one person to another. It is because every person has different organs and a different system.
All the above-provided information is the overview and cause of the disease. Now the question is how to feel whether you have a disease or not. For this, you must first know about the symptoms of that disease. In the early stages, Scleroderma may only affect the skin of the victim. You may notice your skin thickening and shiny areas are developing around the mouth, nose, fingers, and may bony areas. As the condition progresses, you may begin start to have limited movement on the affected areas. Some other symptoms of the disease are listed below:
Sometimes, it also results in Raynaud’s Phenomenon. In the condition, you may begin to experience spasms of the blood vessels in your fingers and toes.
During the physical exam, the doctor can easily identify changes in your skin, that are symptomatic of Systemic Sclerosis. High blood pressure may be caused by kidney changes from sclerosis. The doctor may order blood tests like antibody testing, rheumatoid Factor, and sedimentation rate.
Other diagnoses may include:
The treatment of Scleroderma does not cure the condition, but it can help reduce associated symptoms and pain. It also slows down the speed of disease development. Usually, the treatment depends upon the symptoms. It may involve: