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Rabies is an infectious disease and is caused by a virus that directly affects the central nervous system. Particularly, it creates inflammation in the brain. This virus is transferred by animals like dogs, cats, and rabbits etc. either by bitting or scratching on the victim’s body. Best way to fight against this virus is a quick response. Otherwise, the disease can cause pain or can also be proved fatal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about fifty-nine thousand people die due to Rabies in a year. And about 99% of them have been bitten by a dog. Let’s discuss more about this death-defying disease in detail.
Generally, this disease is caused due to bitting or scratching of animals who have Rabies. Due to bitting, the virus transfers and gets entered into the human body. But any contact with mucous membranes or an open wound can also spread the virus. Once the person has been bitten or scratched, the virus starts spreading in the body. Through the nerves, the virus reaches the brain. If a bite or scratch is done on head or neck, it may speed up the brain’s an spinal cord’s involvement due to initial trauma. After reaching the brain, the virus multiplies expeditiously. Animals that can cause rabies are dogs, bats, ferrets, cats, cows, goats, horses, beavers, foxes, monkeys, raccoons, skunks, woodchucks, and coyotes.
There is a period between the bite of the animal and its symptoms. This period is known as the incubation period. The normal time period is four to twelve hours. Initial onset of Rabies starts with flu-like symptoms that include fever, muscle weakness, and tingling. At the bitten area, you may also feel some burning. Generally, there are two types of Rabies, i.e. Furious Rabies and Paralytic Rabies. People who experience Furious Rabies show erratic behavior and may also be hyperactive. Other symptoms are listed below:
This type of Rabies takes longer to set in. However, its effects are just as severe. People having Paralytic Rabies starts getting paralyzed day by day that may cause the victim to get involved into a coma and die. Survey of WHO show that 30% of rabies cases are paralytic.
Generally, there is no specific test in order to diagnose the early stages of the disease. However, when it reaches a higher stage or when the onset of symptoms happens, a blood test or tissue test will help a doctor very much to determine whether you have a disease or not. And if you are bitten by a wild animal, the doctor will provide you vaccine in order to stop the infection.
After you have been diagnosed, in order to cure, you will go through a series of injections to prevent the infection from setting in. Rabies immunoglobulin is a vaccine that gives you an immediate dose against rabies that will help in fighting with the infection.
However, the treatment of this death-defying disease may cause some serious sides effects that are listed below:
If rabies has affected you or your loved ones, get them treated as soon as possible by simply registering on Global Patient Transfer and booking your appointment today.