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Lumbar Disc Degeneration Disease
Lumbar disc degeneration refers to the age-related wear and tear of the spinal disc that may or may not cause lower back pain. It includes the spondylotic and degeneration of the lumbar spine having neuronal compression. In this disease, the intervertebral spaces become tough and lose their flexibility with age. The shock absorbing lumbar disc spaces are no more functional and cause difficulty in any kind of forward, backward or side by side movement that makes the life of old people miserable.
This disease is observed in 100 % of the population over the age of 40 years. However, it is a severe case with 60% of the western population over the age of 70. One to one correspondence between the degree of degenerative changes and patient’s symptoms is poorly defined on radiological findings. No matter how progressively the disease worsens with time, age is a big contributing factor in disc degeneration.
This disease is generally caused by strain on the muscles that provide support to the spine. The etiology behind the spinal disc degeneration may include sudden traumatic injury, poor lifestyle, unhealthy diet, musculoskeletal disorder, or any sudden hit to lower back in late age.
Various risk factors of degenerative disc cause an overall negative impact on spinal health. Some of the factors are listed below
A significant decrease in hydration is noticed in degenerative lumbar disc space. This results in a reduction of the size of the disc and the disc become more prone to tear in the exterior. This ultimately alters the structure and mechanics of the lumbar spine that causes obvious symptoms like low-grade, tolerable and continuous back pain flare-ups. Some other symptoms are listed below
If you face these sign and symptoms, then you must go to a neurologist or orthopedic surgeon. The doctor will do your complete analysis, note down the complete medical history and do a physical examination. He may perform some movement tests to identify the pain produced in the spine.
In most of the cases, the definitive diagnostic imaging is required to identify the real cause and location of pain. MRI scan holds importance in this regard and helps in the diagnosis of fractured, degenerative, herniated or prolapsed disc. This scan also provides information about disc height, disc shape, endplate erosion, pinched nerves, and disc hydration too.
Initially, the pain is relieved with medications and analgesics. But in severe cases, surgical treatment is recommended by the spine physicians keeping in mind the recovery period, pain management, patient condition or spine rehabilitation of the patient. Some of the other treatment options are given below,
In patients with degenerative and conservative measures are usually lumbar laminectomy and lumbar microdiscectomy. Despite all treatments available, 10% of patients become chronically disabled while in other cases spinal claudication, radicular pain respond well to surgery.
If you are diagnosed with spinal degeneration, then consult the world-renowned spine specialists through Global Patient Transfer Portal.