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Lung Cancer in Malaysia -Sixth Top Killer in Malaysia
Lung cancer is the sixth top killer in Malaysia. It reported 6,797 deaths in 2010, making it the highest among all other types of cancer-related deaths caused by Colon-Rectum, stomach and breast cancer. Lung cancer, less commonly related to lifestyle habits, is usually associated with smokers and those who inhale dangerous gases like carbon monoxide too often. The cells in your lungs when start proliferating and reproducing uncontrollably. This cause the lung cancer and almost about 1 in 3 people with this condition live for at least a year after diagnosis whereas about 1 in 20 people live at last 10 years after that. However, the survival rate varies depending on how far cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis.
There are 4 different stages of NSCLC according to the order of severity.
Stage 1:
In this stage, cancer is confined to the lungs.
Stage 2:
In this stage, cancer is confined to a chest.
Stage 3:
In this stage, cancer becomes larger and more invasive.
Stage 4:
In this stage, cancer has spread from the chest to other parts of the body.
(Photo by by imagineHarry from Trendify via
As soon you consult your doctor, you have to undergo examination and have diagnostic tests. The list of diagnostic procedures is listed below(Glyph Pie Chart Icon by Wena Vega from sketchify via
Prognosis of the lung cancer is dependent on the lung cancer type and the overall state of the patient. Patients with SCLC have a median survival time of 2-4 months if left untreated. Nevertheless, in NSCLC standard treatment results are generally poor. In stage 1 cancer, cancer can be treated surgically with a 5-year possible survival rate. If you are suffering from this disease then get in touch with us to have immediate treatment, get your diagnostic tests and consultation with world-renowned doctors.