Diabetes: A Silent and Slow Killer
By GPT Admin 5
December, 10, 2018
Disease Overview
Diabetes mellitus or more commonly known as diabetes is a lifelong and complicated disease associated with the metabolic activity of the body. In such condition, blood glucose, or sugar, is higher than the normal level as the body does not function properly to break down the sugar and process it. Glucose is an important dietary component, which is vital for healthy blood cells, especially for the regulation and working of the brain cells. Our body is a smart creation, which knows how much of an element it needs for proper and healthy sustenance. In the same way, our body knows how much glucose it needs for functioning; however, if due to any reasons, it receives more than it can handle or process, it may change into diabetes.
Types of Diabetes
Diabetes is of both revocable and irrevocable type.
Not actually, a disease in itself, pre-diabetes refers to the condition in which the blood glucose is higher than normal but not as high to be coined as diabetes. In simple terms, people having pre-diabetes have higher blood glucose and are at higher risk of having diabetes. However, the condition is revocable and can be controlled with a balanced diet and physical activity.
Type 1 Diabetes
Often referred to as ‘juvenile diabetes’, type 1 diabetes is caused when the body’s immune system, mistakenly, attacks and kills healthy body cells producing insulin. As a result, the person has to live on artificial insulin taken through injections.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1; in this type, the body becomes resistant to insulin and the body does not produce enough of it to work through this confrontation. As a result, glucose and sugar build up in the bloodstream and converts into type 2 diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes
Not with every case, but some women develop diabetes during their pregnancy. During pregnancy, the placenta produces some specific hormones required for the sustenance of the pregnancy. Due to these hormones, the body sometimes becomes resistant to insulin, which may result in gestational diabetes. However, the condition is short-lived and disappears as soon as the baby is delivered.
- Diabetes can be caused due to many reasons, and sometimes no apparent reasons, as with the type 1 diabetes. It is usually initiated by some fault in the immune system, type 2 diabetes is more related to family history and increased fat cells in the body, which numbs the cells sensitivity to insulin. However, there are some factors that can put someone at a higher risk of having pre-diabetes as well as type 1, 2 and gestational diabetes.
- If someone in the family like a parent or sibling is having diabetes
- Obesity is the number 1 factor for pre and type 2 diabetes
- Age plays a significant role in developing type 2 diabetes because as a person ages, it becomes less active. However, now children and young adults are also at risk of this disease
- Many times, inactive lifestyle results in type 2 diabetes, exercise uses the body’s glucose reservoir by burning it as energy, which helps in weight control and increased insulin sensitivity
- High blood pressure, high triglyceride and low HDL, ‘good’ cholesterol, puts many people at the risk of type 2 diabetes
- Women having polycystic ovaries and gestational diabetes during their pregnancy are more prone to type 2 diabetes

(Image by freepik)
Symptoms of diabetes vary and not necessarily, everyone experiences the same signs. However, some of the common signs are:
- Increased thirst
- Increased hunger
- Acute weight loss
- Vision blur
- Recurrent urination
- Increased exhaustion
- Prolonged healing of sores and wounds
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur at any age but, type 2 diabetes is more common in people over 40 years of age
Diabetes can be a difficult condition to encounter and then manage. Nevertheless, these complications progress slowly and some of them include:
- Cardiovascular diseases often leading to a silent heart attack
- Kidney malfunction and damage
- Nerves damage and dysfunction
- Wounds and sores on feet resulting in amputation
- Various skin problems
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Fatigue and depression
- Dental and gums infections
- Vision and sight related problems
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diabetes can be diagnosed through a number of methods like:
A1C (Glycated hemoglobin) test:
this test examines the blood sugar levels for the last two to three months and does not require fasting
Random blood glucose test:
the blood sample is taken randomly at any time, 76 to 160 mg/dL is normal while more than 160 and up to 200 mg/dL is borderline, or pre-diabetes and more than 200 mg/dL is considered to be diabetes
Fasting sugar test:
a blood sample is taken after overnight fast; up to 100 mg/dL is considered normal, from 100 to 125 mg/dL is in pre-diabetes line and 126 mg/dL and above is diabetes
Oral glucose tolerance test:
after an overnight fast, a sugary drink is given and blood sugar levels are monitored intermittently for the next two hours. blood sugar level less than 140 mg/dL is in a normal range, a ratio between 140 and 199 is pre-diabetes and more than 200 mg/dL after two hours is indicative of diabetes

(Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash)
Regular exercise:
inactivity and excessive weight are directly related to type 2 diabetes. The fat cells numb the healthy body cells and make them insensitive to insulin. With regular exercise, weight remains under control and sugar reserves are burned as energy
Healthy diet:
food plays a vital role in regulating our bodies and a diet plan based on fresh fruits and vegetables is best if we want to prevent diabetes. A diet comprising of whole grains, lean proteins, and controlled calories should be a part of our life
Avoid high sugar and processed food:
sugary drinks like soda are likely to add empty and harmful calories and processed food like fast food and canned items are often based on high salt, sugar, and calories. Having a sweet drink or a burger occasionally is acceptable if their calories are burned with regular exercise
Diabetes is a serious and dangerous condition that can lead to lifelong problems like amputation and sight loss. Sugar and glucose is a part of our physical sustenance but, we should keep them in limited and controlled level.