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Ischemic Heart Disease
By GPT Admin 4January, 28, 2019
Reduced blood supply to the heart results in a disease called Ischemic Heart Disease. In this disease, a blockage in coronary arteries appears that reduces the blood supply to the heart muscle and results in a heart attack. Mostly, this disease is caused due to atherosclerosis. Surprisingly, there are more than sixteen thousand Americans who are currently having ischemic heart disease. In western countries, the most common cause of death is Ischemic Heart Disease.
Signs & Symptoms
The disease can result in severe chest pain or no pain at all. So, you must do a routine visit to a doctor for regular check up. Symptoms for Ischemic Heart disease can be:
Pain in the chest or upper body that may last for hours or days
Pain in the left shoulder or between the shoulders blades
Shortness of breath
A cold sweat
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Extreme fatigue
Heart palpitations
Swelling in the abdomen
Weight gain
Difficulty sleeping
Causes of Ischemic Heart Disease
Typically, the disease is caused by a heart attack or coronary artery disease. Other factors that may cause Ischemic Heart disease are listed below:
A family history of coronary heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Diabetes mellitus
End-stage kidney disease
Alcohol or drug abuse
Sedentary lifestyle
Diagnosing Ischemic Heart Disease
If any signs of ischemic heart disease are observed by the heart specialist i.e. cardiologist, You may be asked to give a complete medical history and perform a physical examination. Moreover, you may undergo some of these below-mentioned tests to diagnose the disease.
Blood test to measure the level of cholesterol in your blood.
An imaging test, such as X-Ray, CT-Scan, or MRI.
An echocardiogram to evaluate your heart anatomy and function using UV.
A stress test to monitor your heart’s ability when it’s made to work harder.
Myocardial biopsy to analyze a small tissue sample from your heart muscle.
ECG or EKG to record electrical activity in your heart.
Cardiac catheterization, in which a coronary is done to check for narrowing.
Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
In order to treat ischemic heart disease, the doctor must first address the primary cause of it. In most instances, the main cause of coronary artery disease has been noticed. For the best treatment, the doctor may advise you some lifestyle changes, prescribe the medications or in some serious cases might recommend you surgical procedure
Life Style Changes
For the sake of treatment of this death-defying disease, you must change your living lifestyle completely. A healthy diet that is low in saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium is required. Moreover, daily exercise is also in your benefits. If you are addicted to alcohol or injurious smoking then you need to stop smoking, avoid drugs and drinking alcohol.
Another way of treating Ischemic Heart Disease is through medications. You have to take medicines regularly as prescribed by your doctor. These medicines will help to ease symptoms, prevent complications, and improve your heart functions. The doctor may advise you a beta-blocker, calcium channel blocker, aldosterone inhibitor, the blood thinner, and other types of diuretics.If you are suffering from this deadly heart disease then get in touch with us to consult with world-renowned cardiologists across the globe.