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A disease that affects about 80% of women than as compared to men, Fibroids, is a very serious ailment. Abnormal growth of a tumor or fibrous tissue that develops in a women’s tissue is referred to as Fibroids. Rarely, these tumors become so large. This results in heavy periods and often cause severe abdominal pain that is unbearable. These fibroids are very common and often do not show initial symptoms. These non-cancerous tumor growths are typically benign or noncancerous. The disease is denoted by some other names as well, that are listed below:
It is still not found yet that what causes Fibroids. However, there are some factors which may lead to Fibroids occurrence. These factors include Hormones, Family History, and Pregnancy. A research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has shown that women with age of 50 or above get into Fibroids. Yet, most women don’t feel any signs or symptoms and they don’t know if they are having fibroids.
Apart from this, we have found that Fibroids have four different types. The types depend upon the location in or on the uterus. The name of these types are listed below:
In many cases, the disease shows no signs and symptoms. But if it shows, then the symptoms will depend on the number of tumors the patient is having. For instance, Submucosal Fibroids may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving. During menopause, you may not feel any symptoms. After menopause, the disease may reduce in size and severity. The symptoms are listed below:
The diagnosis process of Fibroid is quite long and challenging. It is because the cause of the disease is certainly unknown. For a proper diagnosis, you’ll need to see a gynecologist to get a proper pelvic exam. Pelvic Exam is used to check the condition, size, and shape of your uterus. Some other tests which may also prove helpful includes:
An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of your uterus on a screen. However, a Transvaginal Ultrasound may prove more helpful, because it will provide clearer pictures since it is closer to the uterus.
Now come to the treatment part. There are four methods to treat Fibroids. These are listed below:
Certain home remedies and natural treatments which may prove helpful are as follow:
The choice is yours, use a medicine, have surgery, or go through Minimal Invasive procedures, to fully recover from the disease.