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Photo credit: "<div class='fn'> Parasites: a parasitical worm, shown much enlarged, with its</div>" is licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
BILHARZIA - A Silent Death
Bilharzia, also known as Snail Fever and Schistosomiasis is a viral infectious disease caused by a parasitic worm. This parasitic worm, or fluke, has several different species that directly affects the intestine and urinary system preferentially. Furthermore, it can also affect other systems of the body too like lungs nervous system, and the brain, as it lives in the blood vessels. Bilharzia is commonly found in forested places, most commonly in Kenya.
The disease has reported thousands of deaths in the past few years throughout the world, especially in Kenya and East Africa. The disease shows symptoms as soon the body reacts with parasites. But the complications can persist long-term. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Bilharzia as both an acute and chronic disease. Generally, the infection starts when the victim comes in direct contact with water that contains worms.
Symptoms of Bilharzia
The Impact of infection depends upon the type of worm and stage of infection. Quickly contact your doctor or health care advisor if you feel any of the symptoms of the disease. This will lead you to better treatment and diagnosing process. If you are on the acute stage, the symptoms can take 2 to 14 weeks to appear. These symptoms include A Rash, Fever, Headache, Body Aches, Myalgia, and Breathing Difficulties. While if you are at the Chronic Stage, you might not feel any symptom at the start. As the disease progresses, symptoms start appearing. These include:
If the disease left untreated, it may also result in Anemia.
Diagnosis of Bilharzia
If the victim feels any of the symptoms, he or she must tell the doctor. The doctor will take him or her through the diagnosing process that includes several physical examinations and blood tests. The doctor may also ask your recently traveled places along with the stay of time there. A stool or urine test will also be helpful in such circumstances. These tests will check whether any eggs are present.
Treatment of Bilharzia
There is no specific vaccine available for the treatment of Bilharzia. However, the treatment of it may reduce its effects. If the disease is left untreated, it may prove fatal. The diagnosis process will determine the type and series of treatment. If the result of the test comes positive, a short course of medication is required. For this, Praziquantel is an effective medication that can be used because it is a drug that reduces the effects of Bilharzia.