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In this advanced world, the more you use the brain, the more you keep pace with the world. However, there are several brain diseases. And the treatment of Brain Diseases is very hard to find. Unfortunately, Epilepsy is one of them. Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that causes unprovoked, recurrent seizures. A Seizure is a sudden rush of electrical activity in the brain. Generally, Seizures are of two types. These two types include:
The first and common type of Seizures is Generalized Seizures. This type of seizures generally affects the whole brain at once. While the other type of Seizure is Focal or Partial Seizure. This type of Seizure affects just one part of the brain. However, if the Seizure is mild, it may become difficult to recognize. Because such seizures last for a few seconds only, which makes the victim lack awareness.
On the other hand, strong seizures can cause spasms as well as uncontrollable muscle twitches. Both of these conditions may last for several minutes and it may also feel painful. Not only this but strong seizures also makes the victim confused and conscious. Now, there must be a question that what causes seizures. Generally, seizures may cause due to the following reasons:
Indeed, Epilepsy is a fairly common neurological disorder that affects more than 100 million people annually. The disease is more common in men and children than as compared to women and adults. The bad thing about the disease is that there is no cure for Epilepsy. Yet, the disorder can be managed with medications and other strategies.
The main and most common symptom of Epilepsy is Seizures. Other symptoms differ from person to person according to the type of disease. For instance, the symptoms for simple or partial seizures may not involve consciousness. But it may show Dizziness, Alteration to Sense of Taste, Smell, Sight & Hearing, and Tingling & Twitching of Limbs. While the symptoms of Complex Epilepsy are listed below:
No specific diagnosing is required to determine Epilepsy. The symptoms may be enough to diagnose the Epilepsy. If you have seizures, there is a great chance that you are suffering from Epilepsy. However, for confirmation, your medical history and several physical tests might be performed. A blood test may also be performed. Because it may be helpful in looking for :
EEG is the most common test used for diagnosing Epilepsy (if needed).
Most people can manage epilepsy. However, if someone not, its treatment plan will be based on the severity of symptoms, his health, and how well he responses to therapy.