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Plague- Viral Infectious Disease Common in Mongolia
Plague, often said as the black plague is a viral infectious disease. Plague is a bacterial disease that is highly contagious and can spread from one person to another. The disease is generally caused due to bacteria named as Yersinia Pestis. This bacteria is commonly found in animal all over the world. However, the risk of Plague is more in areas having poor sanitation like Mongolia.
Plague is transmitted to humans through fleas. In the past, the disease caused millions of deaths of people in Europe as well as in Asia. Basically, Plague is a rapidly progressive disease which, if left untreated, may prove fatal.
Generally, Plague has three forms, i.e. Bubonic Plague, Septicemic Plague, and Pneumonic Plague. The most common form of Plague is Bubonic Plague that infects the person when the victim gets bitten by a rodent or flea. This type of Plague infects your lymphatic system which results in inflammation of lymph nodes. If this type of Plague is left untreated, it will enter into the bloodstream and result in second and third form Septicemic Plague and Pneumonic Plague respectively. Only Pneumonic Plague can transmit from person to person through a cough. These two types are also very dangerous for human health and can often result in death of the patient.
Symptoms of Plague depends upon the the type of Plague. It means that each type has different signs and symptoms. For instance, if a person has a Bubonic Plague, he may show fever & chills, headache, muscle pain, general weakness, and seizures. These symptoms typically appear within two to six days of infection. While the Septicemic Plague symptoms take two to seven days to appear after exposure. This type of Plague has symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever & chills, extreme weakness, bleeding, shock, and skin turning black. Furthermore, symptoms of Pneumonic Plague are listed below:
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If the patient is suspected with the Plague, the doctor will perform the following measures to diagnose the disease. A blood test can reveal the truth about the Plague and its type.
A needle will be used to take a sample of the fluid running in swollen lymph nodes. This will help to diagnose Bubonic Plague. For the diagnosis of Pneumonic Plague, a process named as bronchoscopy will be performed. These samples will then be sent to the laboratories for analysis. It will take one to two days for the reports of these samples.
The final step after the diagnosis is to treat the disease and make the patient recover completely. Plague requires urgent care and quick treatment. As soon as the disease is treated, it’s good for the patient.
Commonly Plague is treated with antibiotics available in the pharmacies. Bubonic Plague has no treatment and it results in the birth of the other two types of Plague. You can use the following antibiotics or precautionary measures:
This treatment process is continued for several weeks after fever involves. Additionally, proper healthcare is also important for the patients, especially for those who are suffering from Pneumonic Plague.