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Photo credit: by Bea Cerojano from sparklestroke via
The Specialty Hospital is a leading private hospital located in Amman Jordan and was officially developed in 1993. Distinguished location of the hospital makes it accessible as well as attractive to Jordan and Aboard patients (international patients). At the start, it was an eighty-bed hospital but now the number has increased to 220. They have a huge staff where more than eleven hundred employees are working along with seven hundred consultants that are highly qualified, professionally trained, and fully dedicated to providing the best possible quality health care service to national patients as well as International patients.
A hospital is a well-known place for medical tourism too. From eighty-three different nationalities, international patients visit the hospital in order to gain treatment and rehabilitation services. More than 150,000 international patients have been treated and operated at this hospital. If you also want to become one of them who visit this hospital and get completely recovered, you can contact Global Patient Transfer and get an appointment.
The hospital has a complete range of therapy, surgery, and diagnostic services for international patients. They use the latest and most advanced medical equipment to make the treatment easy and possibly quick as well. In fact, the hospital was the first to provide Hyper-Baric Oxygen Therapy, CT Angiography, and MRI 3 Tesla in Jordan. State of the art technology of air filtering and different aseptic techniques are implemented to reduce the hospital’s acquired infection.
Without any doubt, The Speciality Hospital is an accredited hospitals on the national and international level. This is all because of the quality medical services that they provide to national and international patients. The hospital has been accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) three times. It has also been accredited three times by the Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC). Furthermore, the hospital is the only hospital who have won two consecutive Kind Abdullah II Award for Excellence. Other achievements include MECCA Awards, Prince Faisal Award, ISO 9001, Occupational Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001, Environmental Safety ISO 14001, and Critical Control Point for food safety and quality management.
No matter if the member is a doctor, nurse, pharmacists, nutritionists, technician, or administrator, the staff of the hospital is working in a team spirit. This leads them to the best possible health care service providing and a comfortable stay at the hospital for national and international patients. Medical service sections at The Speciality Hospital are Medical education, Laboratory, Radiology, Emergency, Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), Infection Prevention and Control (IPCD), and Pharmacy. Furthermore, specialized centers at the hospital are listed below: