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Zika virus is the type of diseases that are caused and spread due to mosquito bites. For some healthy people, it's just a mild infection and not much harmful. However, Zika Virus can be a very serious virus threat to pregnant women. In pregnancy, it can cause several birth defects like abnormally small heads. In U.K, the virus isn’t much found but in the Pacific Region, South and Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa, it is reported. If you are an international patient or tourist and planning to travel to the affected area, you must first seek travel health advice. Use insect repellent or wear loose clothes because they can be very helpful in reducing the risk of catching the virus.
As described earlier, Zika Virus is generally spread due to infected mosquito biting a human. These mosquitoes are often called Aedes Mosquitoes and are most active during the day time. More often they are found in the late afternoon due to dusk. Although the risk factor is very low, still in some cases, Zika Virus is being passed on through sexual intercourse. Furthermore, the disease can also be spread due to the fetus during pregnancy.
Symptoms are the signs that can be helpful in determining the disease or infection which the patient is having. Generally, 4 out of 5 people that are infected with Zika Virus don’t have any signs or symptoms. The symptoms of this virus occur five to seven days after the bite of a mosquito. Some of the most common symptoms and signs of Zika Virus are listed below:
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Only signs and symptoms are not enough to determine whether you have Zika Virus or not. To detect the virus, you must diagnose yourself. Diagnosis of Zika Virus infection can only be done by different laboratory blood tests or other body fluids such as urine or semen. After getting well known from all the signs and symptoms which can show that you have the virus, you must treat it. There is no specific treatment of Zika Virus’s symptoms. It is because the symptoms of this virus are mild. However, two methods can be used in order to reduce or un-infect the victim. These two methods are drinking plenty of water and some powerful medications. Paracetamol can be helpful in relieving the symptoms. Taking full rest can also be very helpful.
After returning from a safe journey and visit to an area where Zika Virus is reported, if you feel unwell, you must seek a health specialist as soon as possible. If you are also having an infection and want to get treated from the best possible hospital located near to you, just contact the Global Patient Transfer without any hesitation at any time of the day, get registered and avail unparalleled healthcare services from them.