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Memorial Ankara Hospital
By GPT Admin 5December, 13, 2018
Memorial Hospital, or Memorial Ankara Hospital, is a part of a Turkish healthcare group, Memorial, which operates several high-quality hospitals in different parts of Turkey. Memorial Ankara Hospital is a JCI endorsed facility providing medical services and treatments on a multidisciplinary platform. The 42,000 square meters hospital comprises of 230 beds, 60 ICU (Intensive Care Units) rooms and high-end diagnostic and treatment technology; it is also quietly well known for its traditional Turkish architecture.
The hospital boasts of having some of the most cutting-edge technology, especially the latest 256-slices Computerized Tomography (CT) device, and highly structured radiology and MR. Memorial Ankara Hospital is the place foreigners usually choose when in need of medical assistance and the big reason for this is that the hospital is one of the few healthcare facilities that are built on international ideals.
Facilities for Local and International Patients
Memorial hospital facilitates its international patients with benefits and perks that are hard to find with other hopsitals. It assists them with the airport transportation, interpreter for the ease of communication, accommodation and hotel room booking support, free wifi facility and professional physicians to work with. The hospital’s patient rooms and suites are specifically designed to ensure comfort wile special rooms for handicapped are also available.
Departments and Services
Since the hospital is quite expansive in terms of area and space, it houses an extensive and wide range of treatment facilities and departments. Some of them are: