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First noticed in 1975 in an old Lyme town, this lyme disease is one of the most irritating bacterial and infectious disease often found in numerous countries of the world. It is one of the most common disease in Slovenia that is generally caused by a bacteria named as Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu lato. When an infected black-legged or deer tick bites a human body, the B. Burgdorferi bacteria enters into the human body. To infect the victim, the tick has to remain in the human body for 24-48 hours. It is commonly found in the people who are living in wooden contact areas.
Lyme Disease has 3 stages. First stage (starts 1-2 weeks after tick bite) is called Early Localized Disease, second one ( occurs several weeks after the tick bite) is called Early Disseminated Lyme Disease while the third and last stage is called Late Disseminated Lyme Disease that occurs when the infection has not been treated in stages 1 & 2.
Signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease depends upon these stages. Every stage has different symptoms. For instance, stage one Lyme disease has a very devastating symptom that is bull’s-eye rash. For stage two, the symptoms include chills, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, vision changes, fatigue, muscle aches, and headache. Similarly, for stage three, the symptoms are listed below:
In order to diagnose the disease, the doctor or your health care provider will first check your medical history and physical examination. After some time of the infection, several blood tests are proved to be very helpful in diagnosis of the disease. The doctor will advise you to perform one the following tests as soon as possible:
Best treatment of Lyme Disease takes place in early stages. Treating within 14 to 21 days is quite perfect because it stops the infection from spreading. Several medications are used to treat the Lyme Disease effectively. Some of these medications are listed below:
Types of lyme diseases like Persistent and Chronic Lyme disease are commonly treated with intravenous antibiotics for a period of 14-21 days. This helps in eliminating the infection, and reduce the effects of symptoms.
If you are suffering with this disease and want to avail the best treatment service, just register yourself on the Global Patient Transfer platform and book your appointment with the world’s best consultants.