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Thalassemia Disease
By GPT Admin 4January, 24, 2019
Thalassemia disease is a disease in which the body makes an abnormal type of hemoglobin (A protein molecule in red blood cells that carry oxygen) due to an inherited blood disorder. This disorder often results in the demolition of the red blood cells that further turns into anemia. In this condition, your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells. As the disease is inherited, so it means that one of your forefathers must carry this disease. Main cause can be a genetic mutation or a deletion of certain important gene fragments.Generally, thalassemia is of three types. One of the thalassemia types is minor which is the less serious form of the disorder. The other two types include alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia. In alpha thalassemia, alpha globin genes are seriously affected while in beta-thalassemia, mutation or abnormality of beta globins genes takes place. Even these two types of thalassemia have sub-types. Subtypes of beta thalassemia are major and intermedia thalassemia. While subtypes of alpha thalassemia are hemoglobin H and hydrops fetalis.
Causes of Thalassemia
The main cause of this disease is abnormality or mutation in one of the genes involved in hemoglobin production. So it means that this disease is caused genetically. You might get involved genetically in thalassemia minor if one of your parents has thalassemia disease. If you have thalassemia minor, then you probably won’t have any symptoms, but you surely will be a carrier of the disease. Research of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that most of the people of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Mediterranean countries like Greece and Turkey are having this disease.
Symptoms of Thalassemia
Thalassemia patients have these signs & symptoms. Some of these symptoms are listed below:
Bone deformities, especially in the face
Dark urine
Delayed growth and development
Excessive tiredness and fatigue
Yellow or pale skin
It is important to note that not everyone has visible symptoms of thalassemia. Furthermore, thalassemia minor has also some signs and symptoms that includes fussiness, paleness, frequent infections, a poor appetite, failure to thrive, jaundice, and enlarged organs.
Moderate and severe thalassemias are usually diagnosed in childhood. It is because the symptoms often appear during the first 2 years of child life. A simple and common method used by the doctors to diagnose thalassemia is CBC, reticulocyte count, and hemoglobin electrophoresis.
Treatment Options of Thalassemia
Depending on the type and severity, thalassemia is treated. The doctor will give you a course of treatment that will work best for your particular case. Treatment of thalassemia includes:
Frequent Blood transfusions
Bone marrow transplant
Medications and supplements
Possible surgery to remove the spleen or gallbladder
Stem Cell Transplant
Having involved in this disease, the doctor might advise you not to take vitamins or supplements that contain iron. This can be helpful especially when you require a blood transfusion. So, if you are suffering from thalassemia disease, don’t hesitate to discuss your thalassemia treatment or additional questions in your next appointment with our doctors.