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Photo credit: "Amoxycillin rash in infectious mononucleosis" by RainbowKatie is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 .
A disease that is listed in the top 10 common illnesses in the world, 2Mononucleosis, is a very serious infectious disease. Mononucleosis is also known as mono. It refers to a group of symptoms usually caused by a life-threatening virus, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV). The disease typically affects the victims in teenage. But you can get entered into the disease at any time. Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV) spreads through Saliva. Due to this, another common name of the disease is The Kissing Disease. In many cases, children with an age greater than 1 get infected with the virus. In these children, the symptoms are usually nonexistent and are also mild. Sometimes, these diseases are unable to get recognized.
It's very rare to get the infection again, once you already got. However, if any child gets infected with the EBV virus, he will be immune to mono for the rest of their life. In the recent times, the research of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has concluded that children don’t get infected with EBV Virus in such early stages. Those people or children who are infected, often have High Fever, Swollen Lymph Glands, and Sore Throat. The infection is typically not serious and usually goes away on its own in a month or two. So you need not worry too much about the disease. But don’t forget to take proper care and risk of complications.
Symptoms of Mononucleosis depends upon the age of the victim. It also depends upon some incubation that lasts for four to six weeks. The incubation period of the virus is the time between when you contact the infection and when you start to have symptoms. In rare cases, your spleen or liver may get swelled. But the disease is not much fatal. Another thing that might disturb you about Mononucleosis is that it is hard to differentiate it from other diseases like flu. Other symptoms are listed below:
If these symptoms don’t find any improvement even after home treatment, then you must seek a doctor.
Since other infectious diseases like Hepatitis A etc can also cause symptoms similar to mono, therefore diagnosis of the disease is very useful. This will help to find out which disease you are suffering from. Diagnosis may work out on these possibilities:
The EBV antibody test is only done in a situation. That is when the Monospot Test results in negative. Because these blood tests look for EBV-Specific Antibodies.
If the disease is spotted, it must be treated to become safe from further effects. The best treatment is one at home. home treatments that may ease the symptoms are listed below: