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Measles is a serious and viral infectious disease that directly affects the respiratory system. Over the decades, Measles has been a significant reason for childhood deaths worldwide. Measles is also often said to as Rubeola. In 2017, the infection resulted in about 110,000 deaths all over the world. From this equation, most of them were children aged under 5 years. The disease is only found in humans, not in animals. Depending upon the genes, there are 24 types of Measles. But, only 6 of the total are common and circulating around the world.
Generally, the disease is caused by infection with a virus from the paramyxovirus family. It is a package of tiny parasitic microbes. Once the victim is infected, the virus keeps on spreading in the body and uses cellular components to complete its life cycle. It first infects and affects the respiratory system and then reach other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Another serious danger of the disease is that it is highly contagious which means that the infection can transfer from person to person.
Whatever you read was the introduction and overview of Measles. Now, the next measure of the disease is the signs and symptoms that it shows during the whole case. Normally, it takes 10 to 12 days to catch and show up the symptoms after the exposure. One of the classic sign of Measles is a widespread Skin Rash that casually lasts up to 7 days. Starting from the head of the victim, it continues to spread to other parts of the body. Other symptoms include:
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Quickly plan a visit to your healthcare advisor or doctor if you feel any of the above symptoms. He can evaluate and direct you where to be seen to determine if you have the infection. The doctor can examine and determine the infection by checking your skin rash and symptoms. In the case of negative suspection, the doctor will order to perform some blood test to confirm the virus availability. Following tests may prove to be helpful:
After getting well-known from the disease, the final step is to treat the disease. There is no specific treatment available for the disease. However, the treatment process of Measles is generally carried out through a series of vaccinations. The victim should be vaccinated within 72 hours of exposure. Additionally, a dose of immune proteins called immunoglobulin should also be given within first 6 days. Furthermore, the doctor can prescribe the following precautionary measures to recover from the disease:
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