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Malaria- A Life-Threatening Disease Caused By Parasites
Costa Rica isn’t a bad choice for tourism at all. But before a visit to a country, you must get acknowledge of its health system. Unfortunately, Costa Rica citizens have been suffering from serious diseases like Malaria and Dengue Fever, etc. Nevertheless, we will discuss Malaria in detail in this blog. Malaria is one of the most life-threatening diseases in the world, especially in Costa Rica. Malaria is typically transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito called Anopheles. These infected mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium Parasite which causes a very deadly effect on the victim’s body.
When these mosquitoes bite you, the infected parasite is released into your bloodstream. Then this parasite reaches your liver where the infection becomes more mature. In a few days, the infection starts to spread and infect the red blood cells. As the parasite continues to infect the red blood cells, the condition results in the occurrence of symptoms that mostly occurs in a cycle and last for two to three days. Including blood, the infection can also transmit through an organ transplant, a transfusion, and the use of shared needles or syringes.
Following the infection, the symptoms of malaria can typically develop within 10 to 20 days. In some cases, the disease shows no symptoms for several months that might become another reason for death due to Malaria. One of the most common symptoms of malaria is shaking of chills that can range from moderate to severe. Other common signs of Malaria are listed below:
For the diagnosis process, you must get the appointment from the doctor first. If you want to get an appointment of best doctors and hospitals near you, you can surely visit the Global Patient Transfer registration form and fill your details. All you need to do is to register yourself on the GPT platform.
For diagnosing the disease, the doctor will have a brief look at your medical history including recent travels to tropical climates. Including this, a physical exam will also be performed along with several blood tests. These processes will help to find out:
Malaria can be life-threatening if left untreated. Especially if you are infected with parasite P. Falciparum. In General, this treatment is usually treated at hospitals with proper health care. But it is best to contact the Global Patient Transfer team to find out the best hospital or medical center with quality medical care near to you. Depending upon the type of Malaria, the doctor will prescribe you medications. Some types of the parasite may be reactive in the victim’ body even after pure complete treatment. So, be cautious when and how you will be completely recovered from malaria.
Malaria is treated with certain drugs. The most common antimalarial drugs include Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies (ACTs) and Chloroquine Phosphate. Other ones are listed below: