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Photo credit: by Ross Du from Trendify via
Mysterious by name, but deep inside, one of the best hospitals in Italy, the Humanitas Gavazzeni is a private non-profit medical center located in Bergamo. Italy is ranked among the top developed countries in the world, especially in the medical department. One of its main reason is its important city, Bergamo. Here international patients can find out international standard medical services providing medical centers like Humanitas Gavazzeni. The Humanitas Gavazzeni hospital was mainly developed and launched in 1903, in some rooms annexed to the convent of the Sisters of Charity in Via San Bernadino. Via San Bernadino is typically the heart of Bergamo. At that time, people were suffering from serious kinds of infectious and other diseases. The hospital was developed to help those victims.
The hospital kept on developing itself gradually. And today, it has experience of more than 100 years in providing high-class medical healthcare services with the best possible diagnostics. It strived through tough times with patience and courage. The positive result of all this hard work came in 2006 when the hospital got internationally accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) for Quality Care and Treatment. Not only once or twice but the Humanitas Gavazzeni got the prestigious Gold Seal Approval for four times. They constantly got accredited by JCI in 2006, 2010, 2013, and in 2016. This shows how well the hospital has recently done in the medical department. If you are looking for a quick appointment here, then quickly register yourself on the Global Patient Transfer platform. Our team will try to reply you as soon as possible.
In a different scenario, Humanitas Gavazzeni is a private multi-specialty hospital accredited with the National Health Service and Joint Commission International for outpatient and hospitalization activities. Having the aim of improving the lives of patients with more effective and sustainable medical equipment, the hospital provides the following core values:
For international patients, a question must be rising in their mind that where to stay during the treatment process. There is no need to worry about that. The hospital also provides hoteling services. Indeed, it is located at the center of the city, an area surrounded by grand and luxurious hotels that offer comfortable night stay. On the other hand, several hospitalization services available at the hospital are listed below:
Every department of the hospital is at excellence level, but the centers of Oncological Area, Orthopedic Area, Cardio Center, Back Care Center for Schiena, Diagnostic Center, Laser Center, Obesity Center, and the Humanitas Medical Care are at extra-ordinary level. In the end, a list of the medical specialties that the hospital provides is as follow: